September 21, 2015 Training During the Emmys yesterday, I was watching trains go by. It is Bodhi’s newest obsession: finding crossings of the Pacific Surfliner as it roars through the San Fernando Valley in between Santa Barbara and San Diego. A friend brought him to the Chatsworth crossing – they hiked through dry hills […]
Hey sweet friends…
June 24, 2015 Hey sweet friends… Sitting in my steamy patio here in Austin. Wanting to write something (remember when I used to write? Back in the winter? Before my NBC pilot?) but my thoughts are all squiggly and unformed. Unruly kindergarten thoughts. But my heart is filled with gratitude for you, my cyber […]
Recent Report: Part 1!
May 7, 2015 Recent Report: Part 1! Prepare yoursleves, the mystery unfolds. It’s been a while since I wrote anything coherent, eh? I had such plans for regular writing in 2015, but here the “first quarter” (what am I, a financial analyst?) has come and gone. I wash up on the shores of May sputtering […]
Darsan IV: Original Church
January 23, 2015 Darsan IV: Original Church For me, the Mona Lisa is a disappointment. I mean, we’ve seen that poor woman’s visage SO MUCH. We’ve thought about it to death, analyzed her smile, her clothes, and the backdrop. By the time we actually trek through the Louvre to see the original, we’re tired, […]
Darsan #3: Surviving St. Paul’s
January 20, 2015 Darsan #3: Surviving St. Paul’s Back to darsan and seeing the holy/god’s face/feeling the “ah-ha” in the most unlikely of places. Needless to say, I dragged my children to a ton of churches in Paris, London and Edinburgh over the holidays. In the stones of Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur and St. […]
My plan was to write about my trip to Europe…
January 19, 2015 My plan was to write about my trip to Europe… My plan was to write about my trip to Europe, but now, a week later, Europe has impossibly, horrifically, come to us. Flying back to LA with my dear, frail parents in tow. They are coming for an open-ended visit. I […]
Musings from the Old World
January 6, 2015 Musings From the Old World Stumbling around back home, jet-laggy and filled with images from the last two weeks in Europe. Paris, London, Edinburgh. Guiding our children (and ourselves) through history, hurtling back centuries as we turn every corner. In California, things are old at 70 years. At Stonehenge, the […]
That List-y Time of Year
December 14, 2014 That List-y Time of Year Oh boy do I loathe it, this time of year. Not the holidays – I am a big booster of those. Lights, prezzies, treats loaded with sugar and white flour? Big fan. No what I’m talking about are the endless articles in every newspaper, article, […]
Pippin and Patience
December 11, 2014 Pippin and Patience Sometimes when my children are screaming I pretend I’m not their mother, and feel bad for whatever poor shmuck is. I slept like crap list night. My gut is bad and I’m up and down all night. The alarm goes off at 6:15 and my first thought is, […]
Domestic Geology
December 4, 2014 Domestic Geology As preparation for the, um, 40-50 folks who passed through my house last Thanksgiving weekend, I did some deep cleaning. As in, looking into the nooks and crannies in my kids’ toy bins. I put on my sloppy clothes and protective goggles, took a final breath of the clean top-world […]