That Old Shame-y Feeling
October 26, 2015 That Old Shame-y Feeling My son has started a new school. We have ventured out from our scrappy, woefully underfunded public school (one with amazing people, amazing mission which in turn gave ME a sense of mission) to a well-funded fancy private school filled with people
September 28, 2015 Be-Screwed There are three diamonds and Bam! A hyper cube – jewels tumbling down and – oh no the scary Jafar guy says “THIRTY SECONDS” and I scamper like a terrified rabbit… swiping, looking, jewels explode and roar and OMFG – I am topping 300,000 but then
Vi’s Hair
September 27, 2015 Vi’s Hair Like the whole world, I cheered for Viola Davis last Sunday. Her historic win, her blinding honesty, her grounded beauty. It was one of those moments where we all thought together: this is good. This is a good moment in history and a good woman
September 21, 2015 Training During the Emmys yesterday, I was watching trains go by. It is Bodhi’s newest obsession: finding crossings of the Pacific Surfliner as it roars through the San Fernando Valley in between Santa Barbara and San Diego. A friend brought him to the Chatsworth crossing –
Hey sweet friends…
June 24, 2015 Hey sweet friends… Sitting in my steamy patio here in Austin. Wanting to write something (remember when I used to write? Back in the winter? Before my NBC pilot?) but my thoughts are all squiggly and unformed. Unruly kindergarten thoughts. But my heart is filled with
Recent Report: Part 1!
May 7, 2015 Recent Report: Part 1! Prepare yoursleves, the mystery unfolds. It’s been a while since I wrote anything coherent, eh? I had such plans for regular writing in 2015, but here the “first quarter” (what am I, a financial analyst?) has come and gone. I wash up on