Amy Brenneman
Amy Brenneman



December 15, 2011 Blessings I saw this guy the other day, whom I used to see a lot.  He waits for a bus at a stop not far from my house, which was on the way to my children’s former school. The bus stop is close to a light and

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December 7, 2011 Giving Okay, it’s Christmas. The lights are going up and carols are being sung. I keep promising a blog but then don’t deliver. So Scrooge-y of me!   So, this isn’t a blog, it’s a query: What do you give for Christmas that’s not a gift wrapped

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Farewell to the To-Do Lists

November 2, 2011 Farewell to the To-Do Lists 6:20 am. I rise out of bed to write. I am an acolyte at her practice, a nun fervently trying to hold on to the holy darkness of the autumn. It will get lighter sooner soon, and with the broad light comes

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Betwixt and Between

October 24, 2011 Betwixt and Between Last week I wasn’t feeling well. Fatigued, emotional, thick in the middle, muddled. I tried to get rest, didn’t really help. I downed Emergen-C, talked to colleagues at work, and learned there was a stomach flu flying around, figured that was it. Wasn’t it,

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No Easy Answers

October 11, 2011 No Easy Answers So sorry I didn’t get this out on Monday. Trying to be a disciplined blogger, but my kids didn’t get the message as they actually wanted to PLAY yesterday and not have me disappear into my office. So be it. I trust you are

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Soccer Mom

October 3, 2011 Soccer Mom Last Thursday afternoon I found myself with my son in my lap, the time going by, and no clue what to do.   Let me be clear: this is not unusual. As a mother I find myself in the position daily (half-daily? Hourly?) of being

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