Amy Brenneman
Amy Brenneman


Thanks for “The Leftovers”!

August 27, 2014 Thanks for “The Leftovers!” As the school year starts and my sweet summer disappears, my head is a jangle of to-do lists.  School supplies and sports sign ups, homework folders and making travel plans for – WTF? – CHRISTMAS?  Monkey-mind, as the Buddhists say.  I cannot sit

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Emmys 2014

August 26, 2014 Emmys 2014 They snuck up on me.   Since I didn’t have to go, and since back-to-school was the same week, searching for an Emmy outfit got upstaged by picking out the right pencil case for my fourth grader.   But suddenly the weekend was upon us

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An extra

June 24, 2014 An extra So this spring, as I have every year for the past 13 years, I attempted to balance the work/parent thing. Not unusual, and I’m sure many of you reading this are attempting to do the same thing RIGHT NOW.   The balance is ever-shifting, of

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Leftovers: 1

April 25, 2014 Leftovers: 1 I really had a plan to write about this one, diary-style, for day one.  A play-by-play, like the ones I love to read.  But here we are, two months in, and I have chronicled not one thing.  Except for my tweets about the frigid NY

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Good Morning! And Happy New Year!

January 13, 2014 Good Morning! And Happy New Year! I’ve been wanting to start writing for my blog again, but then time goes by and I put pressure on myself and then more time goes by and I think, oh dear now it has to be something really REALLY special

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Sneak Peak of Words and Pictures

May 18, 2013 Sneak Peak of Words and Pictures I was shown these two pictures of Clive Owen and myself yesterday and I have not stopped laughing.   I like the first one because it shows “the scene”:  in the scene our characters confront one another over something that is

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