Amy Brenneman
Amy Brenneman


That List-y Time of Year

December 14, 2014 That List-y Time of Year Oh boy do I loathe it, this time of year.   Not the holidays – I am a big booster of those. Lights, prezzies, treats loaded with sugar and white flour? Big fan.   No what I’m talking about are the endless

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Pippin and Patience

December 11, 2014 Pippin and Patience Sometimes when my children are screaming I pretend I’m not their mother, and feel bad for whatever poor shmuck is.   I slept like crap list night. My gut is bad and I’m up and down all night. The alarm goes off at 6:15

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Domestic Geology

December 4, 2014 Domestic Geology As preparation for the, um, 40-50 folks who passed through my house last Thanksgiving weekend, I did some deep cleaning. As in, looking into the nooks and crannies in my kids’ toy bins. I put on my sloppy clothes and protective goggles, took a final

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But Fear Itself

November 26, 2014 But Fear Itself Over the past couple of weeks – more since the election, I suppose – a couple of times readers of my blogs have cautioned me to “be careful. You have a lot of fans.” While I really appreciate concern from anyone, I’m not sure

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Wazed and Confused

Novemer 25, 2014 Wazed and Confused I’m not great with time.   Ask anyone.   I cram too much in, I leave too late, I end up reverting to what my husband calls, “magical thinking” when it comes to commuting. “It’s okay, it’s okay!” I protest, “I have 15 minutes

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November 22, 2014 Unified Maybe it’s me, or maybe it’s menopause, but there are so many moments in my life these days where I’m not sure if I’m where I’m supposed to be.   I visit a friend in a quaint small town. “I could live here! What would it

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